Børnepenge 2009 og 2008
Børnepenge anvendes her som betegnelse for det der også kaldes børnefamilieydelse eller børnechecken. Der er tale et om tilskud som ydes hver kvartal.
Der er 3 forskellige satser for 2008:
<ul><li>Babyydelse, som gælder for børn fra 0-2 år:<br />4.039 kr. pr. kvartal.</li><li>Småbørnsydelse, som er for 3-6 årige:<br />3.198 kr. pr. kvartal.</li><li>Børnefamilieydelse, som er for 7-17 årige:<br />2.516 kr. pr. kvartal.</li></ul>
Ligeledes er der 3 forskellige satser for børnepenge 2009:
<ul><li>Babyydelse, som gælder for børn fra 0-2 år:<br />4.107 kr. pr. kvartal.</li><li>Småbørnsydelse, som er for 3-6 årige:<br />3.251 kr. pr. kvartal.</li><li>Børnefamilieydelse, som er for 7-17 årige:<br />2.558 kr. pr. kvartal.</li></ul>
Igen i år 2010 er der nye satser for børnpenge, disse ser ud som følger:
- Babyydelse, som gælder for børn fra 0-2 år:
4.247 kr. pr. kvartal.
- Småbørnsydelse, som er for 3-6 årige: 3.362 kr. pr. kvartal.
- Børnefamilieydelse, som er for 7-17 årige: 2.645 kr. pr. kvartal.
- Babyydelse, som gælder for børn fra 0-2 år:
Dette er grundtilskudet pr. barn. Det er ikke indkomstafhængigt, så alle får det samme uanset indkomst. Der er mulighed for at søge forskellige tilskud, alt efter om man er enlig forsørger, studerende, osv. Brug evt. det nedenstående link til at beregne børnepengene.
Jeg er snarlig kommende far, jeg er dansk statsborger og min sambo er brasiliansk statsborger, og vi bor i Sverige.
Jvf svensk lov, bliver barnet dansk og brasiliansk statsborger.
Er dette barn berettiget til dansk børnebidrag, og hvad sker hvis dette barn evt bliver svensk statsborger på et tidspunkt ?
Hvis i bor i Sverige får i ikke børnebidrag.
Se https://www.retsinformation.dk/Forms/R0710.aspx?id=17547
i am born in usa but have both a danish cpr and pass and an american pass. dual citizenship. so do my two usa born children. right now we are living in denmark and im pregnant im worried. i want this child to have exactly what we have dual citizenship for life. does that mean i have to give birth in usa or can i still give birth to it in denmark.
Hi Nina
I have an update. I just told my girlfriend about your situation, and it turns out that one of the members of the mothers' group she's in, also has dual citizenship (Born in Russia, now moved to Denmark).
This woman lives in Denmark and her child is born here. This child also has dual citizenship. My girlfriend remembers something about the woman having to go to the embassy of russia in Copenhagen.
I would suggest that you phone the american embassy in Denmark and hear what they have to say about your situation.
Hi Nina
I have been looking on some webpages in order to find an answer for you, but it's easy.
First I had a look at this page:
Where it is stated that only foreigners who move to Denmark can have dual citizenship.
But then I read a story somewhere on the same page:
It says that a danish soccerplayer - Jamil Fearrington - has an american dad and a danish mom. He has been born and raised in Denmark, but has dual citizenship.
I could worry that since you are a danish citizen, that your child will be a danish citizen when it's born in Denmark, but it seems like a rather complicated matter. In my opinion you have to contact someone with a lot more knowledge about this.
HI - my husband is German so I investigated this before the birht of our son. The law is as follows: A child born to a mother with Danish citizenship (anywhere in the world) will automatically be granted Danish citizenship. This is the only way to obtain dual citizenship under Danish law. Whether the child is granted the citizenship in the country of the father also, is a matter to be solved by the laws of that contry. Note that the Danish citizenship may be revoked after the childs 18th birthday if the child has no connection to Denmark. Living in Denmark for one consecutive year will suffice. Rgds, Joanna (attorney at law)
jeg bor i sverige og arbejder i danmark,har et barn i ghana har barnet ret til børnepenge, fra dankark eller sverige da jeg sender penge til barnets børnehave,,,
Jeg tror ikke lige mine børnepenge passer denne gang, jeg plejer at få lige godt 5.000 kr. da jeg har to drenge på 14 og 16 år. denne gange har jeg fået 3.500 kr.. er dette ikke en fejl og hvor skal jeg så henvende mig??
Nina, I'm Danish and live in the US with my American husband. I had my firstborn, now 6 y.o., in Denmark and my second born here. It's not hard to get dual citizenship for your unborn baby. Simply go to the US. Embassy in Copenhagen and report a 'Birth abroad' and your baby will automatically get dual citizenship. The only requirement there is for your unborn child to get dual citizenship is if either you or your husband has American citizenship. Here is the link to the US Embassy in Copenhagen and all the info about registering your child
Hvis I vil vide mere om privatøkonomi, når man får sit første barn, så klik ind på Penge- og Pensionspanelets guide om privatøkonomi, når man får sit første barn:
Klik på www.ppp.dk/barn
I am so happy I moved back to the USA in November 2009 after a short stay in Denmark.
I had a beautiful baby who like all of us is American.
But because my mom was Danish I got dual citizenship when I was 3 months old and hold a Danish passport as do all three of my children. My children also travel with me and in their own and speak many languages now. You never know where any of us are Maybe in our house in Hawaiii or in our beach front oasis in Mexico or in our adorable apartment in Italy or Spain. I am a licensed realtor in California where I was born and grew up. I then moved to Hawaii where I also became a licensed realtor. I then started to invest in my own properties and have done so since 1999 to the present day. I love my work
And along the way became an Interior Designer. I have bought old houses and fixed them up and even built many houses of my own in the past 16 years. I now have properties in several countries. I have been visiting Denmark and Italy (my dad is Italian) my whole life some times I stay for a week some times 4 months I think the longest I stayed was 2.5 years. I just love to explore and get ideas around the world for my designing ideas I own and operate Cirkus Americano Fashion House where I sell all kinds of things from different countries. lMy title I hold today
is Real Estate Investor and Designer. I'm looking forward to leasing or buying an apartment in Copenhagen this year.
Nina DellaGatta